Little Michel
Guitars, Drums, Bass, Piano & Vocals
Kein unbekannter dieser Little... ein begnadeter Gitarrist. Little Michel’s Karriere begann schon im Kindesalter. Im Alter von 3.5 Jahren suchte er
immer etwas das sich als Gitarre missbrauchen liess, wie z.B. einen Besen, ein Holzscheit oder was im sonst gerade so in die Quere kam.„Playback“
spielen, mit aus Sperrholz gebastelten Gitarren war sein Ding. Im Alter von 4.5 Jahren, inspiriert durch seinen Gitarre spielenden Onkel, verfiel
Little Michel endgültig der Gitarre. Er erhielt den ersten Gitarrenunterricht von seinem Onkel. Danach wollte er nur noch jedes Wochenende zu ihm
um Gitarre zu spielen. Er fragte jedenTag: “Mama wann gehen wir zu Onkel Rene!?“ Seiner Mutter blieb nichts anderes übrig, als ihm ihre uralte
Gitarre zu geben! Danach war es mit dem Frieden im Haus vorbei. Er spielte jeden Tag und wollte von seiner Familie nichts mehr wissen. Er hatte
nur noch eines im Kopf; spielen, spielen und nochmals spielen. Über ein Jahr spielte Little Michel mit Elan und Liebe zum Instrument und der Musik
bis ihn seine Mutter in den Unterricht bei Mathias Arb († 1970-18.11.2010) schickte.
Er lernte bei Mathias 12 Jahre lang, danach ging er ans ACM (Academy of Contemporade Musik) in Zürich und absolvierte ein Studium.
Er besuchte div. Workshops bei Paul Gilbert, Kirk Hammett u.s.w. Mit 12 Jahren spielte Little Michel schon in diversen Bands (Schüler Bands und
Danach spielte er in diversen erfolgreichen Bands wie: Warriors (Hard-Rock/Metal), Little Michel (Country Solo Project), Rust (Rock / Crossover)
Black Sweden (ABBA Cover-band), Godiva (Metal), Langford (Rock / Pop), M.G. Grace (Rock'N Roll / Rock), Timeless Young (Blues /Rock / Country)
Deutro (Hard-Rock), Me and the Rest (Rock), Tensing Ebnat-Kappel (Pop / Rock / Musical), Watching Eye (Rock), Kim (Rock/Pop), Pete Dixon Band
(Country-Western), Änästhesie (Rock-Cover / Mundart), Talisman UK (Rock / Metal Coverband), STERLiNG (80J. Rock), Little Michel Group
(Hardrock/Metal) u.s.w. Mittlerweile durfte er schon in 22 Bands gespielt.
Little Michel konnte an diversen Openairs spielen wie: St.Gallen, Tufertschwil, Frauenfeld u.s.w
Sein Motto lautet: Straight on!!! Kurz und bündig.
- Little Michel Website
Biography in English:
No stranger to this Little... a gifted guitarist. Little Michel's career began as a child. At the age of 3.5 he was always looking for something that could be
misused as a guitar, e.g. a broom, a log or whatever else got in his way. or whatever else got in the way. Playing back with guitars made of plywood was
his thing. was his thing. At the age of 4.5, inspired by his guitar-playing uncle, Little Michel finally fell in love with the guitar. the guitar for good. He
received his first guitar lessons from his uncle. After that, he only wanted to go every weekend to play the guitar. He asked every day: "Mummy, when
are we going to Uncle Rene's!". His mother had no choice but to give him her ancient guitar! After that, the peace in the house was over. was over.
He played every day and wanted nothing more to do with his family. He only had one thing on his mind play, play and play again. For over a year,
Little Michel played with enthusiasm and love for his instrument and music until his mother took him to lessons with Mathias.
music, until his mother sent him to lessons with Mathias Arb († 1970-18.11.2010).
He learn with Mathias for 12 years, then went to the ACM (Academy of Contemporade Musik) in Zurich and studied.
He attended various workshops with Paul Gilbert, Kirk Hammett and others. At the age of 12, Little Michel was already playing in various bands (school bands and others).
After that he played in several successful bands like: Warriors (Hard-Rock/Metal), Little Michel (Country Solo Project), Rust (Rock / Crossover)
Black Sweden (ABBA Cover-band), Godiva (Metal), Langford (Rock / Pop), M.G. Grace (Rock'N Roll / Rock), Timeless Young (Blues /Rock / Country)
Deutro (hard rock), Me and the Rest (rock), Tensing Ebnat-Kappel (pop / rock / musical), Watching Eye (rock), Kim (rock / pop), Pete Dixon Band
(Country-Western), Änästhesie (Rock-Cover / Dialect), Talisman UK (Rock / Metal Coverband), STERLiNG (80Y. Rock), Little Michel Group
(hard rock / metal) etc.
In the meantime he has played in 22 bands.
Little Michel has played at various open airs such as: St.Gallen, Tufertschwil, Frauenfeld etc.
His motto is: Straight on!!! Short and sweet.